evidence Archivi » Fisioterapia Roma

22 September 2016
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Rpg Souchard Global Postural Reeducation Effectiveness

22 September 2016, Commenti 0

Rpg Souchard Global Postural Reeducation Effectiveness One of the most important, probably THE most important and selective scientific  magazine in rehabilitation of the world, “Physical Therapy” […]

29 March 2016
Commenti 1

Effectiveness of Global Postural Reeducation in Patients With Chronic Nonspecific Neck Pain: A Randomized Controlled Trial

29 March 2016, Commenti 1

Effectiveness of Global Postural Reeducation Nuova Evidenza scientifica di alto livello (RCT) della RPG pubblicato sulla rivista dell’ American Physical Therapy Association APTA che mostra […]